160 research outputs found

    An Interactive Algorithm for Image Smoothing and Segmentation

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    This work introduces an interactive algorithm for image smoothing and segmentation. A non-linear partial differential equation is employed to smooth the image while preserving contours. The segmentation is a region-growing and merging process initiated around image minima (seeds), which are automatically detected, labeled and eventually merged. The user places one marker per region of interest. Accurate and fast segmentation results can be achieved for gray and color images using this simple method

    An Interactive Deformable Model Segmentation Algorithm Driven by Morphological Dilations and Erosions Constrained by an Exclusion Band

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    This study introduces an interactive image segmentation algorithm for extraction of ill-defined edges (faint, blurred or partially broken) often observed at small-scale imaging. It is based on a simplified deformable elastic model evolution paradigm. Segmentation is achieved as a two-step region-growing, shrinking and merging simulation constrained by an exclusion band built around the edges of the regions of interest, defined from a variation image. The simulation starts from a set of unlabeled markers and the respective elastic models. During the first step, model evolution occurs entirely outside the exclusion band, driven by alternate action-reaction movements. Forward and backward movements are performed by constrained binary morphological dilations and erosions. Constraints allow controlling how far models can move through narrow gaps. At the end of the first step, models remaining from merging operations receive unique and exclusive labels. On the second and final step, models expansion occurs entirely inside the exclusion band, now driven only by binary unconstrained morphological dilations. A point where two labeled models get into contact defines an edge point. The simulation goes on until the concurrent expansion of all models comes to a complete stop. At this point, the edges of the regions-of-interest have been extracted. Interactivity introduces the possibility to correct small imperfections in the edge positioning by changing a parameter controlling action-reaction or by changing marker's size, position and shape. Slightly inspired by traditional approaches as PDE Level-Set based curve evolution and Immersion Simulation, the algorithm presents a solution to the problem of "synchronizing the concurrent evolution of a large number of models" and an "automatic stopping criterion" for the front propagation. Integer arithmetic implementation assures linear execution time. The results obtained for real applications show that even ill-defined edges can be located with the desired accuracy, thanks to algorithm features and to the interactivity exerted by the user during the segmentation procedure


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    The downward longwave radiation (L↓), really is difficult of the net radiation the measured values component. Therefore, different parameterizations have been proposed to estimate it. Thus, in this study we evaluated the performance of various parameterizations for the L↓ flows estimated and their interaction with other variables measured as well as the air temperature and water vapour pressure interactions with L↓. In this study evaluates the performance of the downward longwave radiation parameters for clear and cloudy sky days applied in Central Amazonia region. The datasets used in this study was measured from micrometeorological tower controlled by Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere experiment in Amazonia (LBA) from Manaus city, Amazonas. It was also found that precipitation and water vapour pressure exert enough on L↓ flows influence, especially in the wet season. The models for clear-sky conditions proposed, using their original coefficients trend to underestimate the L↓ flows measured. Best results for clear-sky were obtained with Idso & Jackson (1969), Brutsaert (1975) and Prata (1996)

    Pollen spectrum of honey of Apis mellifera L. and stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from the semi-arid region of Bahia State, Brazil

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    Pollen in honey reflects its botanical origin and melissopalynology is used to identify origin, type, and quantities of pollen grains of the botanical species visited by bees. This study aimed to identify the pollen spectrum of honeys from Apis mellifera and stingless bees produced in the semi-arid region of Bahia, Brazil. We analysed 78 honey samples, which were submitted to the acetolysis process for identification and quantification of pollen types. Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Euphorbiaceae were the most predominant families in pollen types. For Fabaceae, the most representative pollen types were Chamaecrista 1, Mimosa caesalpiniifolia, Mimosa pudica, Mimosa tenuiflora, Prosopis and Senna. The results indicate that the flora explored by the bees to collect nectar is diverse in the semi-arid region of Bahia and the honeys analysed were classified as multifloral.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gene flow in genetically modified soybean and method for its detection

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar métodos para detecção de sementes de soja tolerante ao glifosato e o fluxo gênico de uma cultivar transgênica para uma convencional, em Florestal e Viçosa, MG. Para adequar método de detecção, foi conduzido experimento comparativo entre cinco bioensaios, dos quais se destacou o teste de germinação em substrato umedecido com solução do glifosato. O experimento de fluxo gênico foi instalado em campo, no esquema de quadrados concêntricos. No centro, foi plantada a cultivar tolerante ao glifosato (fonte de pólen). À sua volta, foi semeada a cultivar sensível (receptora do pólen). No estádio R8, foram colhidas sementes das laterais dos quadrados, em distâncias variadas da fonte de pólen: 0,5, 1, 2, 4 e 8 m. Amostras de 900 sementes, por fileira, foram avaliadas pelo teste de germinação em substrato umedecido com solução de glifosato a 0,06%. Plântulas tolerantes ao glifosato indicaram fecundação cruzada. As maiores porcentagens de hibridação – 1,27% em Florestal e 0,25% em Viçosa – ocorreram a 0,5 m de distância, entre fonte e receptor de pólen, e essas taxas aproximaram-se de zero às distâncias de 2,26 e 1,16 m, para Florestal e Viçosa, respectivamente.The objective of this work was to assess the methods for detection of glyphosate tolerance soybean seeds and the gene flow from a genetically modified soybean cultivar to a conventional one, in Viçosa and Florestal, MG, Brazil. In order to assess the method for detection, a comparative experiment was conduct among five bioassays, from which the germination test in moistened substrate with glyphosate solution was outstanding. The experiment of gene flow was installed in field, in the concentric squares design. In the center, the glyphosate-tolerant cultivar (pollen source) was planted. Around it, the sensitive cultivar (pollen receptor) was sowed. In the stage R8, seeds of lateral of the squares were harvested, in various distances from the pollen source: 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 m. Samples of 900 seeds by row were evaluated, using the germination test in moistened substrate with a solution of glyphosate at 0.06%. Glyphosate-tolerant seedlings indicated cross-pollination. The largest hybridization rates – 1.27% in Florestal, and 0.25% in Viçosa – ocurred at 0.5 m distance between source and pollen receiver, and these rates reached zero at 2.26 and 1.16 m distances, in Florestal and Viçosa, respectively

    Emprego de processos oxidativos avançados na degradação de uma mistura de corantes têxteis: avaliação de parâmetros de reação, estudo cinético, toxicidade e modelagem por redes neurais artificiais

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    Organic contaminants in industrial effluents threaten the quality of water resources, especially due to their resistance to natural degradation. The textile industry gain relevance, considering that it generates large volumes. This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of different advanced oxidation processes (AOP) for the degradation of the mixture textile dyes in solution. After optimization of the main parameters involved in the applied processes and systems, the AOP with greater efficiency in the degradation of the compounds was the photo-Fenton/UV-C (92%) after 360 min of treatment. The experimental data showed a better fit to the Chan and Chu kinetic model and trough an evaluation using artificial neural networks it was possible to predict the maximum degradation achievable by the dye mixture. The toxicity assays, using multiple species of seeds indicated a treated solution with no toxic effects and that the applied methodology can be used without affecting the water resources.Contaminantes orgânicos em efluentes industriais ameaçam a qualidade dos recursos hídricos por apresentarem resistência à degradação natural. Neste sentido, a indústria têxtil ganha relevância, pois é responsável pela geração de grandes volumes de efluentes líquidos. O presente trabalho avaliou a eficiência de diferentes processos oxidativos avançados (POA) para degradação de uma mistura de corantes têxteis em solução. Após testes de eficiência e otimização dos principais parâmetros envolvidos nos processos e sistemas aplicados, o POA que apresentou maior eficiência na degradação dos compostos foi o foto-Fenton/UV-C (92%) de degradação após 360 min. Os dados experimentais do POA foto-Fenton/UV-C apresentaram melhor ajuste ao modelo de Chan e Chu e através da avaliação matemática usando rede neural artificial foi possível prever a degradação máxima da mistura de corantes. O estudo de toxicidade com sementes indicou que a solução tratada não possui efeitos tóxicos, podendo o tratamento proposto ser utilizado sem afetar recursos hídricos


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    Objective: To associate the level of functional health literacy and self-care with Diabetes.Method: A cross-sectional quantitative study conducted with 97 patients from a referencecenter for diabetic care from February to June 2018. With data from the Brief Test of FunctionalHealth Literacy in Adults and the Diabetes Self-Care Activity Questionnaire. Descriptiveanalysis and Chi-square test were performed.Results: Inadequate functional literacy was identified in 47% of the patients. An association wasobserved between inadequate literacy and low levels of adherence to: follow-up of healthydiet and dietary orientation (p<0.001), sweets intake (p<0.001) and glycemic assessment atthe recommended number of times (p<0.001).Conclusion: Inadequate literacy is associated with low mean levels of adherence to diet-relatedbehaviors and blood glucose monitoring. These findings suggest to include the assessment ofliteracy and self-care with diabetes in the clinical practice.Objetivo: asociar el nivel de alfabetismo funcional en salud y el autocuidado con la Diabetes.Método: estudio transversal y cuantitativo, realizado con 97 pacientes de un centro dereferencia para la atención al diabético, de febrero a junio de 2018. Con datos según el BriefTest of Functional Health Literacy in Adults y del Cuestionario de actividades de autocuidadopara la diabetes. Se efectuó un análisis descriptivo y la prueba de Chi-cuadrado.Resultados: se identificó un nivel inadecuado de alfabetismo funcional en el 47% de lospacientes. Se observó una asociación entre el nivel inadecuado de alfabetismo con bajosniveles de adherencia a: seguir una dieta saludable y pautas alimenticias (p<0,001), ingerirdulces (p<0,001) y evaluar la glicemia la cantidad de veces recomendada (p<0,001).Conclusión: el nivel inadecuado de alfabetismo está asociado con bajos valores medios deadherencia a comportamientos relacionados con la dieta y con el control de la glicemia. Estoshallazgos sugieren que se deben incluir la evaluación del alfabetismo y del autocuidado de ladiabetes en la práctica clínica.Objetivo: associar o nível de letramento funcional em saúde e autocuidado com Diabetes. Método:estudo transversal, quantitativo, realizado com 97 pacientes de um centro de referência paraatenção ao diabético, de fevereiro a junho de 2018. Com dados pelo Brief Test of Functional HealthLiteracy in Adults e o Questionário de atividades de autocuidado com o diabetes. Foi feita análisedescritiva e o teste Qui-quadrado.Resultados: o letramento funcional inadequado foi identificado em 47% dos pacientes. Observouseassociação entre o letramento inadequado e baixos níveis de adesão a: seguimento de dietasaudável e orientação alimentar (p<0,001), ingesta de doces (p<0,001) e avaliação da glicemia nonúmero de vezes recomendado (p<0,001).Conclusão: o nível inadequado de letramento está associado com baixas médias de adesão acomportamentos relacionados à dieta e ao monitoramento da glicemia. Estes achados sugeremincluir na prática clínica a avaliação do letramento e de autocuidado com o diabetes


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    INTRODUCTION: Lung cancer is a type of cancer with a high fatality rate due to the lack of early diagnosis, and, therefore, there is a concern with its prevention. Among its risk factors, smoking and exposure to radon stand out, which can be formed from the decay of uranium, representing the main cause of lung cancer in non-smoker. OBJECTIVES: To compare the rate of hospital admissions for malignant neoplasia of the respiratory system from January 2008 to February 2020 in Caetité-BA, with the rate of admissions in Bahia and Southwest Bahia. METHODOLOGY: This is an epidemiological study of the ecological type, analyzing data obtained from the DATASUS database and from estimates by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística for the year 2019.The data were tabulated calculated in the Microsoft Excel 2016 program. RESULTS: It was observed that in Caetité-BA there was an admission rate of 51.01/100 thousand inhabitants, while in the southwest of Bahia and in Bahia this number was 47.95 and 56.43, respectively. DISCUSSION: There was a lower rate of hospitalizations in Caetité-BA compared to the state of Bahia, but a higher rate compared to the Southwest of Bahia. Such data contradict studies that indicate a higher risk for lung cancer in regions with greater exposure to radon, however, some factors can explain this difference, such as: possible underreporting of cases and study design, since in the studies observed the comparison was made with residential radon levels. CONCLUSION: Further studies are needed to establish a relationship between the presence of uranium mines and the number of hospital admissions for malignant neoplasms of the respiratory system in Caetité-BA.INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer de pulmão é um tipo de câncer com alta taxa de letalidade devido à falta de diagnóstico precoce, e, por isso, existe uma preocupação com sua prevenção. Entre seus fatores de risco se destaca o tabagismo e a exposição ao radônio que pode ser formado a partir do decaimento do urânio, representando a principal causa de câncer de pulmão em não fumantes. OBJETIVOS: Comparar a taxa de internações hospitalares por neoplasia maligna do sistema respiratório de janeiro de 2008 até fevereiro de 2020 em Caetité-BA, com a taxa de internações na Bahia e no Sudoeste baiano. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico do tipo ecológico, cujos dados foram obtidos da base de dados do DATASUS e a partir de estimativas do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística para o ano de 2019.Os dados foram tabulados calculados no programa Microsoft Excel 2016. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que em Caetité-BA teve uma taxa de internações de 51,01/100 mil habitantes enquanto no sudoeste baiano e na Bahia esse número foi de 47,95 e 56,43 respectivamente. DISCUSSÃO: Notou-se uma menor taxa de internações em Caetité-BA em comparação ao estado da Bahia, porém maior taxa em relação ao Sudoeste baiano. Tais dados contrariam estudos que apontam um maior risco para neoplasias pulmonares em regiões com maior exposição ao radônio, entretanto, alguns fatores podem explicar essa diferença como: possível subnotificação de casos e o desenho do estudo, uma vez que nas pesquisas observadas a comparação foi feita com os níveis de radônio residencial. CONCLUSÃO: Necessita-se de mais estudos para estabelecer uma relação entre a presença de minas de urânio e o número de internações hospitalares por neoplasias malignas do sistema respiratório em Caetité-BA
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